Monday, September 3, 2012

Birthday, Birthday, September Birthdays!

As you know, my birthday is coming up & so is Faith's 1st birthday =) I absolutely love it that both our birthdays fall in September. So this year, I want to make it extra special for the both of us. I wish I could invite everyone to the party I'm planning for her, but my budget doesn't allow me to =( However, everyone can be part of her first celebration in this special way. I invite anyone and everyone to participate in this, the more, the better & the merrier. This year, I wish for Faith to receive lots of letters for her first birthday for her to open on her 18th birthday.

Dear everyone near or far,

As you read above, my Mommy is quite demanding, but I know she wants it to be special for me. Therefore, to help you with your letter, the following are some prompts. Since the letter will be addressed to me, Mommy promises me that she wouldn't read it unless I share it with her. So feel free to speak your mind and let Mommy deal with my difficult questions later on... hehe. 

How are you related to me? If you're not related to me, how did you know my Mommy? Tell me something about yourself. Now tell me something interesting about Mommy that I may not know. Share a quote or a Bible verse or a poem that you think I might like. Whats the one word that best describes me? What do you love best about me? If my life had a soundtrack, what would the theme song for my first year be? Mommy takes lots of pictures of me, which one do you like best? Let's play fortune-teller, predict my future for me. Last of all, what are your wishes or hopes for me? Apparently, I am only going to read all this when I'm 18, any advice for me at that age? If we have crossed paths more than once or you have heard of me, whats your best memory of me?

Tap into your inner writer and write to me from your heart. Mail them to the house if you can along with a picture of yourself so I can put a face to what I read. If you really really can't write, perhaps jot a quick message on a piece of paper & take a picture of yourself then send it to Mommy. If snail mail is too much of a hassle in this day and age, send it via email perhaps? As the world today is not safe, Mommy can't and won't display her address here so email her to get it. If you'd like for it to be a surprise, ask a mutual friend or relative who knows. Mommy really wants this to be special for me and thinks I'd appreciate it. So rather than not at all, do so & let me find out.


So what are you all waiting for? Get started today! =) & get them in by 22nd September for me to compile them. After all, how can you resist and say no to the adorable one in green?

Much love,

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