Tuesday, June 2, 2009

of past blogs and present situations

i was looking through my old blog that day and i realized i wrote far more than i do these days (i wonder if that's a good or bad thing?). but to me, i sounded very self-absorbed those days =P and had too much time on my hand, cause i sure did a lot of word editing in those days.

anyway, moving on…

i really should be studying,
considering that my midterm is tomorrow
but my procrastination and laziness kicks in
so here i am blogging…lalala…lol

lets just take a quick look at what's been going on in my life aite? yes, im going to sound very self-centered from this point onwards in this post =P

im taking two subjects in college this semester (short semester of only 7weeks). both of which looks at child, adolescence and adult development which is very interesting =) because its very much applicable and gives me a lot to think about, especially about how i grew up and how i am now still growing and things like that.

im still single ever since my breakup mid last year. am crushing on someone but i know things won’t work out cause im only a very close friend in the person’s eyes (so i aint ruining that friendship with my silly nonsencial whims of fancy). so am trying very much to get over the person and be open to other possibilities.

i think and i hope im closer to my family these days. things have been up and down with mum and i (especially in terms of curfews) but its been okay so far. dad has been his usual quiet reserved self =) bro has his own mood swings (nice when he wants to be, and moody otherwise). oh btw, he apparently thinks im a bimbo =( cause of my lack of common sense (trust me, he’s not the first who said it =( am i really so terrible as such?)

im still lacking in my faith. but am trying to make it a point to say a prayer whenever i remember (especially in the mornings, nights and mealtimes). im also responding in mass again these days, compared to my usual silent observation of everything. sigh, the one thing i really need to do in this department is go for confession =(

ive lost faith in some friends but still maintain the friendship. but ive also gained new friends who surprisingly are so easy to talk to and enjoyable too! ive also grown closer to some friends, whom im ever so blessed to have known and gained as friends.

i still procrastinate a lot and still have not accomplished some goals of mine =( my room’s still in a mess, ive yet to clear my table for its proper usage, im still lacking proper exercise, ive yet to sort out my computer files and folders as well as my books, ive yet to collect the whole absolut range, ive yet to go window shopping in such a long while, ive yet to take pictures of everything i want to, ive yet to find a photographer, etc etc etc..

i still teach sunday school and im loving every minute of it! though i wish i knew how to handle this year’s kids =( really adorable bright children who are just too hyperactive and inattentive..sigh..God help me?!

i still have no idea what to do for my 21st birthday! =( perfect day. i’ve got food sorted out. but i’ve yet to choose a place, theme and guest list =(

P9140098so all in all, my life right now
like my room (in pic above)
is in a pretty huge mess
that needs a huge load of sorting! =P


when can i next see you?!
i can’t hardly wait…

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