Friday, July 20, 2012

Get It Together!

Dear Mandy,

I am very disappointed in you. (Mum, if you read this, please don't say I told you so, I feel bad enough as it is). Chin up! Buck up! Start pulling yourself together! You're no longer a carefree wild teenager who can laze around doing nothing & worrying about anything anymore. You're now a mother, a working mother at that with responsibilities!

For goodness sake, get your sleep schedule right! Stop mucking it up with pathetic excuses. Stop getting distracted by useless things & start putting your time to good full use. Finish the crossstitch you started on instead of googling for more patterns. Finish the scrapbook you started on instead of buying more materials.

For once, sleep at a reasonable time & wake up early to get started on things. You don't have much time for all the things you want to do. Don't laze around anymore, relax while being on the move & doing something. You're tired, I get you, but learn to take short power winks instead of full few hours heavy dose of sleep.

Plan your damn time so you can do as much as possible with the least amount of time. For goodness sake, start pulling your weight around the house & actually make the effort to wake up to cook for your daughter. Don't be a bloody hypocrite to say you want this & you want that or you'd do this and you'd do that but end up with nothing at all. Its pathetic, unfair, selfish & totally ungrateful.

Get your act together! Put some effort in the way you present yourself. Remind yourself to stand up straight & tall, head up ready to face the world. Take time to groom the hair you've grown to love with the skills you've been blessed with. Dress to impress instead of just putting on whatever. You have plenty of makeup left lying to rot inthe cupboard, start using them!

Get unhooked, unplugged & disconnected from the world of electronics & spend more time in the real world. Get hands on, explore & have fun discovering or doing new things eveyday. Don't be a couch potato! Resist temptation & lead a simple but satisfactory lifestyle!

All in all, get your act together Mandy! You're not getting any younger nor any more successful in potential future candidates. While trying to improve yourself, may you never lose yourself.

Currently Utterly Useless Mandy

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