Thursday, March 1, 2012

Luke 15:11-32

This parable of the prodigal son never fails to touch my heart or tug on my heart strings. I've studied this parable, seared into my memory for Bible Knowledge in school last time. It truly is such a fascinating passage (at least to me) because of all its hidden meanings & messages.

How it truly reflects my life & how no matter how lowly I think of myself, God is ever forgiving & never cease to welcome me back.

I love the unfinished sentence. I love the father waiting for the son on the horizon, running ever so eagerly to meet him. I love the extravagance, as though truly quite a "miracle" that the son "died" & lived again, seemingly impossible. I love the significance of the asking for his share of the property, as though regarding the father dead (as it was custom last time), how much it mustve hurt yet the father welcomes the son again.

Reminds me of the countless times I've hurt God or taken Him for granted & yet everytime I run back to Him, He's waiting there for me for always. Or reminds me of the countless times I've hurt my parents yet they still continue to love me & be there for me. I am truly very much blessed to be able to experience all these moments with God, family & friends & loved ones.

I love my God & I'm proud to be His!

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