Wednesday, July 21, 2010

i know of a man, he is my father.

i know of a man whose smile always hid his teeth in public, but bunny grinned in secret.
i know of a man who sang like Elvis, whose acts i often shy from, but beam secretly with pride.
i know of a man whose courteous prim proper hellos and goodbyes often have people thinking he’s shy, but in truth, cracks jokes so lame and thinks he’s funny, your eyes would be rolling in your sockets.
i know of a man who’s never comfortable with hugs and kisses, but allows me to do so nonetheless.
i know of a man whose way of loving is through buying me things, especially food.
i know of a man who spent his whole day driving to several different stores and back again just to get me the perfect Furby.
i know of a man who would ask his family out to go shopping, watch movies and have daily meals together.
i know of a man who was so generous, he’d do anything for his loved ones.
i know of a man who was scared to hold his little girl in fear of crushing her.
i know of a man who expected a firstborn son, but then couldn’t stop calling his firstborn daughter “princess”.
i know of a man I'd want to walk me down the aisle.
i know of a man who would never question my sadness but attempt to cheer me up instead.
i know of a man who would actually run around in public, chasing and teasing his son.
i know of a man who is so protective of his daughter, he’d do anything for her safety.
i know of a man so proud yet worried of his son’s future, he’d do anything to offer support.
i know of a man who fixes things around the house and actually succeeds, though he leaves a whole trail of mess behind.

dad (27) i know of a man, and i take pride in this man,
for this man is my father, i would have no other
Happy Birthday Daddy!

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