Sunday, June 22, 2008

My Preparations


first countdown : final days of work

second countdown : days until WYD in Australia

third countdown : days of which I have for my scrapbook project

fourth countdown : days until college starts
(don't really bother about this one though, too far away =P)


first checklist : preparation for WYD 2008

second checklist : friends I have to meet before then 

third checklist : things I have to do before I go WYD 2008


Unfinished projects!

first unfinished project : Cross-stitch for Kimberly & Kaylyn
(very much long overdue! since two years ago? =( )

second unfinished project : Personal year Scrapbook

third unfinished project : finishing my bought-but-never-got-around-to-reading books

fourth unfinished project : clearing & sorting out my room


Wishlists! (reasonably able wishes)

first wish : go clubbing! =(

second wish : .... ?

*clueless* - everything else too unreasonable =P


Me likey me in this pic! =)

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Father's Day Scrapbook

Love096Love097Love124Love125 Love100

Mother's Day scrapbook

Love082 Love083Love084   Love085  Love086Love087Love088Love089Love090Love091Love092Love093Love094

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Delayed posting

My server at home is currently down.
I have no idea why Windows Live Writer application won't let me publish.
Anyway, so it'll take awhile before I post up. =(

Love, Mandy.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

A fan-atic day

I'll let the pictures do the talking for this one =)

Love067 Love068  Love069Love070Love076


PS: I've got some videos to post up soon as I figure out how to, it'll be up =)