Saturday, May 17, 2008

Parents these days...

I didn't realize the "kiasu-ness" of parents these days!!
I mean, how can parents bear to send their 1 year olds to school?
Shouldn't they have fun and explore at this age??
Instead of subjecting them to things they can barely understand?

okay okay,
I know the whole 'kids learn better, faster and more at a younger age" deal,
but is it truly necessary??
I feel so strongly against it =(

I mean, I understand if you really really need to,
then try to start them at 3 or something,
(even so, I really don't want to)
but 1+???
isn't it too young??

I hear kids complain they're constantly tired,
I hear parents rattling off the busy overcrowded schedule,
I mean, sigh, activities round the clock?
do they ever get family time?

where's fun and play time?
where's cheer and laughter?
instead of routine & schedules.

Hey, I say this is a serious matter,
one not to be taken lightly,
as you see more and more kids,
threatening suicide,
getting attached to the word stressed??
HELLO!! -kids aren't even supposed to know that word!


note to all you parents out there:
Watch the Nanny Diaries! You'd understand what I mean. I hope.


love your children.
let them have fun.
they've only got but ONE childhood.
don't take that away from them.

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