Friday, October 4, 2013


People are never satisfied. No matter how well they're doing, nothing ever seems enough. Even when they break their own record each time, they've already set the new bar to challenge themselves with.

Life is going pretty good for me I must say. Though very stagnant and routined. When one is too comfortable with where one is, that too can pose a problem.

So with my life revolving around a standard routine of wake up late, rush to work, breakfast, work, lunch, work, dinner, waste time, sleep late; and the cycle goes on and on with the the mix of Faith thrown in & the occasional variant on the routine in terms of places and people.

If I had my way right now, these are a few things I miss doing mixed with a few things I wish I was doing or wish I had the guts to do:

1. I miss and want my blogging buzz back. I want to blog regularly again.
2. I wish I would start and finish or maintain an ongoing scrapbook for Faith. I think I have commitment issues =S
3. I wish, want & need to get active. I want to run my cares away, do squats like my life depended on them & have fun dancing my fats away.
4. I desperately need to gain control of my finances and learn how to restraint myself from excessive expenditure.
5. I need to start cooking for both Faith & myself.
6. I miss cross-stitching.
7. I miss reading.
8. I wish I knew how to spend time with my daughter.
9. I want to take up dance lessons.
10. I want to be a healthier,more productiver.

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