Friday, June 29, 2012

Rapunzel Dreams

You know your hair is long when:

1. You feel like you've got a dog across your face as you turn in your sleep.
2. You gather your hair to the side of your neck, only to have a few strands or the tip still stuck at the other end of your neck.
3. You loosen your hair from a bun only to get it knotted up.
4. You are tickled when you wear a backless top.
5. Drying your hair takes forever
6. You get a random tickle on your cheek because the hair that is resting on your nape tickles you.
7. Braiding seems to take forever and your fingers start to tire.
8. If you flip your hair behind you, you might actually slap someone.
9. Changing clothes gets difficult because your hair gets tangled in  the clothes.
10. Split ends terrorize the tips.

After all that is said, I still love the length of my hair now =) Proof that I'm emotionally strong enough not to chop it off. Next thing on the list? Crazy DYE! *grins*

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