Monday, December 7, 2009

movies…old school Elvis style

just watched Viva Las Vegas again =)
much as i pretend to hate him,
i secretly do admire him..hehe
(hush..don’t tell my dad =P )

it made me realize some things…

girls used to be beautiful!
curvy in all the right places
could shake their hips off
without being sleazy about it
used to be demure yet assertive
being sexy was batting eyelids

boys used to be chivalrous
relentless in courting
yet in a gentlemanly way
treated ladies with respect
admired them
not only to get it on

movies were simple and fun
music made you wanna jump up and dance
intimacy were in the eyes and shy kisses
the story was in the characters, not the background
attire were proper and looked great

where have those days gone?! =(

“I need somebody, won't that somebody
Please, please listen to my plea”
- ‘
I need somebody to lean on’
by Elvis Presley in Viva Las Vegas


  1. =)

    if only men were more chivalrous these days..

    and women could rejoice in their curves...
