Saturday, August 16, 2008

Passion + Me = Bad Results

I love drawing and doodling..
unfortunately, my sketches end up nowhere
-a big pile of ugly black scribbles instead.

I love making stuff,
like cards & books & etc..
but i SORELY lack flair & creativity.

I love dressing up,
but my sense of style is down the drain,
plain old geeky me.

dad (23)
I love scrapbooking,
but i don't have the creative gene in me,
all very rigid layouts.

I love photography,
but I just cant seem to find the light!
the angles are all messed up too.


the things i'm good at however,
are not anything to shout about:
-cross-stitching..and..erm..what else..?
...speed reading maybe?
books (25)


I suck big time! =(
I might as well have a scarlet letter engraved on me.
L for L-O-S-E-R!



  1. Hey, if that's the case, I'd suck balls too, alright?

    I have zero creativity whatsoever when it comes to scrapbooking and whatnot.

  2. you may say so about scrapbooking..

    but you've got hell of a style when it comes to fashion!

    so..conclusion: you don't suck balls! =P
